
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stylish Award

Ape yg perlu dibuat lepas dapat award ni adalah:
*Thanks to the sender of the award and linked this entry to the sender.
*Share 8 facts about yourself.
*Give this award to the others blogger who deserve it.

Ok.. mula2 skali saya berasa amat tharu kerana dapat anugerah blog yg stylish ni terutama skali kepada prof madya kaunseling cik Myzatul Farahin a.k.a My FC kerana mnganugerahkan saya award ini. terima kasih juga kepada diri saya sndiri yg update blog jarang2 (kah3..) n xlupa kepada BB tecinta yg mnemani saya di saat suka n duka..hikhikhik..

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Types of Fobia LoL

These are phobias that actually exist. I am not making them up. But they are pretty weird, and kinda funny.

• Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing the street.
• Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease.
• Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
• Alliumphobia- Fear of garlic.
• Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions.
• Amathophobia- Fear of dust.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wanna Know Ur Laptop GENDER?

1. Open Notepad. Click Start > All Program > Accessories > Notepad

2. Copy and paste this code in the notepad.

Diz code ----> CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"IloveYOU"
(watever u wan ur laptop 2 say)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Maen-Maen Wedding Plan

Membe saya soh wt wedding plan ini.. muahahahha.. mengisi mse lapang.. Smug~

1. How old are you?

- 1+2+3+4+5+6=21..

2. Are you single?
- Bujang xlapok, ade awek..kih2..

3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
- 26.. plg awl, plg lwt 30.. muahaha..

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Orang terkaya dunia 2010

No.1 Carlos Slim Helu

$53.5 billionCarlosSlimHelu thumb Top 10 Richest person in the world 2010 | who is the richest person in the world 2010
Telecom, Mexico.
Taipan Telecom yang membeli syarikat telefon nasional Mexico pada 1990-an menjadi orang terkaya di dunia untuk pertama kalinya setelah menduduki tempat ketiga tahun lepas. keuntungan jaringan mencapai 18.5$ Billion dalam setahun. 



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sebesar manakah bumi kita?


Bintang Antares bukan bintang yg paling besar lg.. hehe..
Kecil sgguh bumi kte ni ye.. Wallahualam..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Makan Kapal terbang???

Pembedahan lepas kematian Brit Frederick Edwards pada 1933 telah menjumpai 200 batang paku, 36 stapler dan 3 pisau lipat dalam perutnya. Namun, seleranya tidak sama seperti orang perancis Michel Lotito yang dikenali sebagai "Mr Eat All". Michel telah memakan 18 basikal, 15 shopping carts (yang kt supermarket tu), 7 set televisyen sebuah komputer dan pelbagai jenis pisau cukur dan yang paling sukar dipercayai, sebuah pesawat Cessna 150 light aircraft. beliau mengambil masa selama dua tahun untuk habis makan pesawat tersebut (haha..) 1978 - 1980. Manakala 4 hari stengah utk menghabiskan shopping cart.

Pada puratanya, Lotito telah memakan 1kg kaca dan besi setiap hari. diet ini telah meletakkan nama beliau dlm Guinnes Book Of Records. katanya makanan yang memeningkan die ialah pisang n telur rebus.

Beliau meninggal pada 2007, ketika berumur 57 tahun ats sebab2 smulajadi.

ni ade video psl die..

Kenapa Air tidak dapat menyejukkan mlut lepas makan makanan hot n spicy?

Rempah-rempah dalam sebahagian besar makanan panas yang kita makan adalah berminyak, dan, seperti guru sains sekolah korg mengajar korg, minyak dan air tidak bercampur. Dalam hal ini, air hanya xdpt merapati kulit a yang berminyak.Apa yang boleh korg lakukan untuk menenangkan lidah korg yang sakit kepanasan? Makan roti. roti akan menyerap berminyak. Penyelesaian kedua adalah dengan minum susu. Susu mengandung zat yang disebut "kasein" yang mengikat rempah-rempah dan membawa mereka pergi. cuba la try.. aha..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Format Laptop Guna Pendrive

DVD/CD-rom rosak? malas nak cari external DVD/CD-rom? Nak format Netbook? ada cara yang lebih mudah, dengan menggunakan PENDRIVE sahaja.

*USB Flash Drive (Minimum 4GB)
*Windows 7 or Vista installation files.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Langkah-langkah untuk memamposkan Virus SHORTCUT yang bertapak dalam pendrive

Sejak semenjak dua menjak ni, bising pelajar di uum dengan masalah virus yang menyerang pendrive masing2.. virus yang tengah mengganas skarang ialah sejenis kod jahat (malicious code) atau lebih dikenali sebagai "virus shortcut" di kalangan pelajar.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Buat Tulisan Terbakar

Menggunakan Adobe Photoshop CS3 dan ke atas

Pilih gambar yang ade api2 ckit..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 ada untuk dijual.

Bosan dengan virus?
asyik format je?
Apakah Anda mencari antivirus terbaik?
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 merupakan salah satu Program Anti Virus terbaik masa kini. Kaspersky beroperasi secara efektif dalam menghalang/menghapuskan virus ataupun malware yang dapat merosakkan sistem komputer anda.

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 (1 user) RM35
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 (3 users) RM70


Segera dapatkan KIS 2011 untuk melindungi komputer anda dari serangan virus.
boleh hubungi saya:
012-9575993 (kiki)

XP vs Vista vs Win7

It's often said that recent versions of Windows have become bloated, and it's hardly unreasonable to expect each new OS to perform better than its previous iteration. However, when Windows XP first appeared back in 2001, it was designed to run happily on 300MHz Pentium II CPUs with a mere 128MB of RAM. Thus, it should come as no surprise that the lightweight OS runs quickly on today's processors. Newer OSes can optimise for modern hardware and include more powerful features, but is this extra functionality really just slowing us down?

To find out, I decided to test each operating system's performance on an average PC. The system is nothing particularly special by today's standards, consisting of an Intel dual-core E5200 CPU, 2GB of RAM and an ATI Radeon HD4550 graphics card. We installed XP, Vista and Windows 7 in that order (all 32-bit versions) on the machine's 500GB hard drive and ran a number of real-world benchmarks to find out which OS was best.

The boot time test provided no surprises – Vista took the longest time to get started, XP came in second place and Windows 7 was the fastest.

At first it seemed like our file transfer benchmarks would deliver the same results. Vista produced poor copy speeds in our small file tests, XP again placed second and Windows 7 came out on top. But when we tried transferring larger 1GB files, Vista surprisingly just managed to win out over XP. Both were beaten by the speedy Windows 7, though.

This proved true for our application tests as well. Open a small Excel spreadsheet or PDF file, say, and XP beats Vista, but heavy-duty spreadsheets and PDF files opened faster under Vista than XP. Once again, however, both were trounced by the newcomer (Windows 7).

You might have spotted the theme here. Windows 7 delivered excellent results, beating or coming close to the performance of the lightweight XP in just about every category. It's quite remarkable given that this is an operating system still in beta. When all the drivers are fully finished, we should see even better performance.
If we'd run the benchmarks on a less powerful PC, perhaps one with only 1GB of RAM, then it's possible that Windows XP would have fared better than it did here. But for even a fairly basic modern PC, Windows 7 delivers the best performance around.